My Story

Hi, I'm Jahtna.

The pursuit of transforming worthless objects into valuable materials, like gold, is known as alchemy. In my personal experience, my journey with Youtube has been like my own form of alchemy. Not only has it completely transformed my life, but it has also allowed me to positively impact the lives of others. Today, I’m on a mission to help entrepreneurs harness the immense potential of the internet's most powerful marketing tool. This is my story.

My Youtube journey started in 2007. I was lucky to spot the huge opportunities it offers early. So you might think it was easy for me to build a following back then. I assure you, that was not the case…

It's hard to believe now, but just a decade ago, people didn't grasp the potential of Youtube. Back then, when I told people I had a Youtube channel, they used to give me a hard time about it. They'd say stuff like, "Why waste your time making videos when you could be doing something more useful?," “YouTube is not a real job,” “You're living in a fantasy world.” — I heard all the prejudice in those early days.

But even though the people around me didn’t understand, I saw the massive opportunity in Youtube. I remember the first time I fell down the rabbit hole, I was completely hooked. It was like something in my gut just knew it would change the internet forever. I could sense the huge possibilities in freely accessible video content. And then, like magic, anyone with a phone and wifi connection could suddenly reach millions of people around the world - just like I predicted!

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Creating My Own Success

Then in 2016, things really started to change. Youtube was really taking off and I could feel the momentum building. It was around that time that I decided to take control of my life and stop letting other people dictate what I could and couldn't do. It was a huge turning point for me, and it completely transformed my life.

I vividly remember logging into the Youtube channel I had created six years prior and deciding to upload my first video in what felt like ages. This time around, I was determined to make it work. I had a renewed sense of purpose and a clear vision for what I wanted to achieve, and nothing was going to stand in my way. That single decision to start creating content again was the catalyst for everything that came next.

“Success doesn’t come knocking on your door, you have to go out there and get it for yourself. Don’t let anyone tell you that your dream is unrealistic.”

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When I first started creating videos, I have to admit, the results weren't exactly what I was hoping for. Despite this, I was determined to keep pushing forward and consistently uploading new content every single week. I spent months pouring over research and analyzing the ins and outs of the Youtube algorithm. I invested in countless online courses and trainings on how to create better content and identify the right niche for my channel. This continued for another couple months as I fumbled around, spending tons of time and feeling tons of shame that I couldn’t figure it out.

Then suddenly, one of my videos went viral! I still remember the feeling of shock and disbelief as I watched the views and subscribers start rolling in. Overnight, my channel started growing at a pace that I had never seen before. It was like the floodgates had opened, and there was no stopping the wave of new subscribers and viewers that were flooding in. The numbers just kept climbing, day after day, and I found myself having to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.

In just one month, I gained over 50,000 new subscribers. That's 50,000 people who had decided to subscribe to me, who were interested in what I had to say, who were looking forward to the content that I was going to create. It was an incredible feeling, and one that I will never forget.

Now, more than a few years down the line, I'm proud to say that my first Youtube channel has amassed over half a million subscribers, and my second channel gained over 100,000 subscribers in the first year alone. It just goes to show that anything is possible when you put your mind to it and refuse to give up.

As result of my rapid growth, YouTube themselves contacted me about hosting a private conference on channel growth. Together with other successful creators, I helped mentor aspiring YouTubers. This ended up causing a massive ripple effect as business owners across many different industries started contacting me about growing their channels. From there on out, I started coaching entrepreneurs from all around the globe on how to build highly successful, profitable YouTube channels.

“I admit, it was terrifying at first. But fortunately, every single person I took on as a client achieved great results."

My Purpose

Today, my dream has grown WAY beyond just being a successful 'content creator' myself. I want to help and see others succeed with Youtube. Today, I consult startups and business owners on everything I’ve learned over the years. You don’t need to spend months of trial and error to break the code on Youtube like I did. This is the principle I teach entrepreneurs starting out with Youtube:

“It's about understanding your audience, creating content that resonates with them, and leveraging the platform's algorithm to your advantage. But more than that, it's about having the right mindset and approach to creating and sharing content.”

Today, I've helped hundreds of entrepreneurs across the globe see massive success in their channels. It’s a blessing to wake up each day and witness the lives of others radically transform just by applying the principles that I teach in my programs.

So now that you're here and you’ve gotten to know a bit more about me, I’m so excited to hear more about you. Whether you start with my Free Training or jump right into a consultation call, I can’t wait to witness your incredible success story.

To Your Massive Success,

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